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ServiceStack OrmLite, custom/raw query, deserializing to Model types

I m trying to execute a customized query and I don t want to involve OrmLite for anything other that the mapping from IDataReader to a defined ServiceStack model type.

Currently, I m doing something like this:

var result = con.Exec(command => {
    command.AddParam("now", DateTimeOffset.Now, dbType: System.Data.DbType.DateTimeOffset);
    return command.ConvertTo<T>($@"BEGIN TRANSACTION;
        WITH cte AS (
            SELECT TOP(1) *
            FROM {con.Connection.GetQuotedTableName<T>()} with (rowlock, readpast)
            WHERE {statusColumnName} = {(int)QueueItemStatus.Ready}
            order by {idColumnName})
        UPDATE cte SET
            {statusColumnName} = {(int)QueueItemStatus.Locked},
            {lockedColumnName} = @now,
            {doneColumnName} = NULL
        OUTPUT deleted.*;

I ve seen SqlList<T>(string sql) but it looks that method doesn t adhere to ServiceStack s annotations (Alias, etc).



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