English 中文(简体)
原标题:Searching a String for a certain thing, then removing up to a certain point to a list

开始使用某种自动下载器,供个人使用。 到目前为止,我已设法制定方案,将所提供的链接来源储存到插图中,与下载的链接在来文方的明文中书写,因此,我需要做些什么,正在寻找一个声音,即“http://media.website.com/ 和/ 并把它全部归还到一份清单? 问题在于,我还需要在文件夹后对每个档案给予独一无二的补偿,以保存上述每一种情况——任何想法? 采用视觉C#。





        Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        string searchText = "Text to search here";
        string textToFind = "Text to find here";
        string fileID = "";

        bool finished = false;
        int foundIndex = 0;

        while (!finished)
            foundIndex = searchText.IndexOf(textToFind, foundIndex);

            if (foundIndex == -1)
                finished = true;
                //get fieID, change to whatever logic makes sense, in this example
                //it assumes a 2 character identifier following the search text
                fileID = searchText.Substring(foundIndex + searchText.Length, 2);

                dictionary.Add(fileID, textToFind);

利用雷克斯获得配对,这将给你一份所有配对清单。 利用野心来计算在配方之间不同的数值,因此,你可以加以涂.。


Regex.Match(<your string>,@"(http://media.website.com/folder/)(d+)")

var textToFind = "http://media.website.com/folder/";
var ids = from l in listOfUrls where l.StartsWith(textToFind) select new { RawUrl = l, ID=l.Substring(textToFind.Length)}

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