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原标题:Is 100ms a long time for a simple page rendering?

I m writing a website, and in my tests, I found each page need at least 100ms to render(total rendering time). The page is simple, and only a few queries to mongodb (There are only several records in mongodb). Is 100ms too long? What s the normal time?


The time is calculated in the server-side, from getting the request, to response.flush. And only one user and one thread to request it. I just found the problem should be in mongodb, it cost nearly 80ms of 100ms.

回答问题: 你们认为,一个正常的网页需要多少时间?


From a user experience pov (which you should measure on the browser, not server side), under one second feels pretty good, so in principle your 100ms server-side load time sounds great. Actual user experience is affected by many other factors though - latency, javascript, css - take a look at YSlow and its docs for more info.

The real question you should deal with on the server side is what load you re expecting and consequently how the page load time is affected by additional concurrent requests. For instance, maybe with 10 concurrent users it ll take your server 1100 milliseconds on average, not 100, to render a page. You ll need to do performance testing to figure that out.

MongoDB和其他NSQL数据库的优势是,它们允许你(通过增加更多的相同硬件,而不是扩大规模,转而使用每一个更强大、更昂贵的硬件)。 原则上,只要你增加更多的服务器,MongoDB就几乎可以直线搭乘,这意味着你(原则上)可以停留在100姆斯装货时间。



我认为,无。 100万只字不提,给不知情的用户带来了足够时间。

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