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j Query - Customs Line - Works in FF, Turk, Sato & IE8, but not IE7 - pointers?
  • 时间:2009-05-21 13:27:49
  •  标签:


当陶瓷在FF/Chrome等地制造时,就点击了下台的图像,而后台状态则留待你再次点击。 在IE7中,图像在一种地方移动,而后 h状态则失败,而且没有重新出现。 我对我的网页的其他影响继续发挥作用。

我的笑话也许不是最好的,因此我对各位表示歉意。 除现存问题外,任何普通大陪审团都表示欢迎。

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                function DrawGalleryOptions(div) {

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                    $( .gallery-title ).stop();
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                function MoveGallery(pic) {

                    $( #test2 ).html( >> <br />  + pic[_GalleryCurrent].src + " " + pic[_GalleryCurrent].height + " " + pic[_GalleryCurrent].width + "<br />Current: " + _GalleryCurrent);

                    $( .gallery ).append( <img id="gallery-current" style="display:none;" src="  + pic[_GalleryCurrent].src +  " width="  + pic[_GalleryCurrent].width +  " height="  + pic[_GalleryCurrent].height +  " alt="  + pic[_GalleryCurrent].alt +  " /> );
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                    $( .gallery-title p ).html(pic[_GalleryCurrent].alt);

                    $( #gallery-current ).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 1200, function() {

                        $( #gallery-last ).remove();
                        $( #gallery-current ).attr( id ,  gallery-last );



                $(function() {

                    var pic;
                    pic = $(".gallery").children("img");
                    _GalleryMax = pic.length - 1;
                    _GalleryCurrent = 0;

                    //$( #test2 ).html( >><br />  + pic[_].src + " " + pic[0].height + " " + pic[0].width + "<br />Current: " + _GalleryCurrent);

                    $( .gallery ).css({ height: 283, overflow:  hidden , position:  relative  });
                    $( .gallery ).html(  );

                    DrawGalleryOptions( .gallery );

                    $( .gallery ).append( <img id="gallery-last" src="  + pic[_GalleryCurrent].src +  " width="  + pic[_GalleryCurrent].width +  " height="  + pic[_GalleryCurrent].height +  " alt="  + pic[_GalleryCurrent].alt +  " /> );
                    $( .gallery-title p ).html(pic[_GalleryCurrent].alt);

                    $( .gallery ).hover(function() {

                        //alert( on );

                    function() {

                        //alert( off );


                    $( a.gallright ).click(function() {

                        $( #gallery-current ).stop(false, true);

                        //alert( boota );
                        _GalleryCurrent = _GalleryCurrent + 1;
                        if (_GalleryCurrent > _GalleryMax) {
                            _GalleryCurrent = 0;



                    $( a.gallleft ).click(function() {

                        $( #gallery-current ).stop(false, true);

                        //alert( boota );
                        _GalleryCurrent = _GalleryCurrent - 1;
                        if (_GalleryCurrent < 0) {
                            _GalleryCurrent = _GalleryMax;






            <div class="gallery">

                <img class="gall-img" src="/image/gallery1.jpg" width="503" height="283" alt="Person on a lake" />
                <img class="gall-img" src="/image/gallery2.jpg" width="503" height="283" alt="Building university" />
                <img class="gall-img" src="/image/gallery3.jpg" width="503" height="283" alt="Random colours" />
                <img class="gall-img" src="/image/gallery4.jpg" width="503" height="283" alt="Abstract - dark blue?" />
                <img class="gall-img" src="/image/gallery5.jpg" width="503" height="283" alt="Random abstract" />


            <div id="test2" style="font-size:18px;"></div>



EDIT #1: Further to the above, I d read that IE7 has issues with the img selector, but I ve tried changing this to a generic classname etc to no avail. Any more clues?

EDIT #2: I m still struggling with this - I ve added a live example here: (too new to add links it seems, sorry!)


这个问题在争得激烈之后就固定下来。 正如基思所建议的那样,它只是一个特别安全局。


$( .gallery-nav, .gallery-title ).css({ position:  absolute , left:  0px , zIndex:  1100  }); // random reassignement of gallery zIndex, because IE7 doesn t behave






我可以 c;用你的代码,但我仍然不得不找到一些文字,等等来审查。

直到那时为止,对IE的“消防”检查:。 仅包括:

<script src="http://getfirebug.com/releases/lite/1.2/firebug-lite-compressed.js"></script>

我猜测一下我的头顶部,b 它在其他浏览器中工作,而你则使用 j子,这非常正常,可能是一个特别安全的问题,但直到我看到一个样本页,它只是一个快速的猜测。
