English 中文(简体)
原标题:web application in DB4O
  • 时间:2011-04-08 19:17:59
  •  标签:
  • asp.net
  • db4o

如果我会开发协会的网络应用。 利用db4o 哪类数据库:当地或偏远地区,以及为什么?




关于数据库存放地点的决定取决于您的设想。 理想的情况是,你将设计你的解决办法,以便你能够通过组合做到这一点。 在单一服务器部署的情况下,你能够提供多达40台服务。

然而,如果你需要更多的马力,你就可以在另一个机器的干.40处工作,以分配工作。 请注意,在这种情况下,你将拥有更多的网络管理/附属设施。


C/S模式db4o意味着网络通信,并且是循环的。 如果您需要多个客户会议,则不一定需要与C/S联系,因为如果存在一种可同时进行多种交易而不放弃网络通信的embedded模式:


So if your use case allows it you could open an embedded server on the web server side and allow your server side asp.net app to talk to db4o using multiple transactions (eg one per web session) to persist objects. Note that under this scenario you can t persist objects from the client side (the web client talks to the server side of your app which takes care of persistence).

Important: in web scenarios is not uncommon that you close the db4o object container when a session is over. If you do this the object is no longer tracked by db4o and it will be treated as a new one on the next session. You ll have to find a way to reattach objects to its db4o identity on the server side for a different session (you can do that by querying for the object again on the server side).



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