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关于如何实现像Penultimate app[复制]所看到的平稳油漆中风的示例
原标题:Example code on how to achieve smooth paint strokes like those seen in the Penultimate app [duplicate]
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Closed 12 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:
iPhone smooth sketch drawing algorithm

I m looking for an actual demonstrable example of code or an algorithm responsible for super smooth beautiful paint strokes like those found in the Penultimate app?

Heck, any code that demonstrates any smooth paint stroke based upon a user s finger stroke would be great. The elusive nugget I m seeking is "smooth". Other answers on SO attempt to address smooth stroke drawing, however none target Penultimate as the elusive goal, and none of the solutions achieve anything as smooth and refined as Penultimate, which is what this question is after specifically, not just general smoothing algorithms.


这是几次讨论。 你们需要使用 be子和开放式GL。 我不想重写这一切,因此,这里是连接。 此前,我曾就同一议题发表过讲话。 这是一个非常有力的答案,应该帮助你正确方向。



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