English 中文(简体)
• 如何在互联网上制造杀手/工艺的硬性?
原标题:How to create hard to kill app/process in .net?

确保背景进程/从杀人中服务的最佳途径是什么? 我考虑设立2或3个相互监督的服务机构,并在停止服务时开始。



Update: There are some comments which says "dont do that". I don t want to harm a computer or make some kind or virus. There are some situations where you need to do such a thing eg. parental control. I know that operating systems are for users, but I would like to know the best possible way to secure process/service from killing.

Update2: There was a question about use case. The application should monitor and block unwanted websites on children computer. The children should be able to install/uninstall other software so it have to be administrator account.


也许你可以解释使用情况? 几乎肯定比利用恶意软件处理任何真正有用的功能更为妥善。 不知道你再次试图告诉我们什么。


你最好不要建立窗口服务,并指示你的父母放弃这一服务,因为儿童账户被拒许修改服务。 这样,你的系统管理人员(父母)就会被剥夺对自己的制度的控制。




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