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Ext.net: 如何以百分率而不是六分点 set?
原标题:Ext.net: how to set a width in percent instead pixel?

i would like to set GridPanel width, to 100%. My gridpanel is in a table. I know i can only set gridpanel width in fixed pixel. So my question is: how to set width of panel, gridpanel etc. in percent in ext.net ? Is it possible ? I don t want to "neste" it into a viewport ... Thanks


i dont think you can specify values in percentages.


Width和Height固定数值,以指数(或大约1/96英寸的装置独立单位)衡量。 你们可以把这些财产固定下来,使儿童部分能够根据上级小组的编辑情况自动恢复。

from microsoft


为了向除Pixel违约外的单位类型申报遗属,你必须创建与你想要的单位类型不同的新型单位。 例如,为了将控制权的妻子财产设定为100个百分点,你可以采取以下行动:

我的WebControl.width = Unit.%(100);

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