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ILoggingBuilder - clear some providers?

I have a Blazor server web app running on Azure app services. When my code starts, as suggested, I have the following:

if (builder.Environment.IsDevelopment())

Now for production on an Azure app service, please correct me if I m wrong, as I change nothing it ll set up the following providers (assuming I don t make any calls) - is this correct?

  • Console
  • Debug
  • EventSource
  • EventLog (Windows only)

And that feeds them across with all the {name} key:values and scopes passed to be displayed as desired - correct?

Question: Where does the Console & Debug providers go in production on Azure app service? I believe the Console goes nowhere unless I turn app logging on (max 12 hours). Is that correct? And where does Debug go?

Question: When I turn on log to the stream in Azure and set it to verbose/debug, it ignores the configuration I set in the appsettings.json and is giving me debug level log output for namespaces I set to warning. Shouldn t appsettings.json stop those log statements from ever getting to Azure?

Question: Is the following the correct way to add in Application Insights?

if (useApplicationInsights)


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ILoggingBuilder - clear some providers?

I have a Blazor server web app running on Azure app services. When my code starts, as suggested, I have the following: if (builder.Environment.IsDevelopment()) { builder.Logging.ClearProviders(); ...

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