English 中文(简体)
原标题:Avoid circular references with services and DI

我有多门服务班。 每个班组都有一套相关的服务方法。 这些服务是利用IoC和建筑注射器进行的。

If I have two service classes that may, at times, need to call methods in the other, what is the best way to handle these in order to avoid circular references?


public class UserService
    public void RegisterUser(User user)
        // Do a bunch of stuff needed to register a user

        // Now call out to permission service to set up basic permissions

public class PermissionService
    public void GrantPermission(User user, int PermissionId)
        // Add user permission to database

        // Now call out to user service to do some other stuff on the user


  1. 考虑到这两个部门之间需要共享功能,这是将服务类别合并为一个类别的一个标志。 如果情况是这样,我是否最终会有一个庞大的服务类别? 如何区分?

  2. 捐助将两个班子结合起来,但将具有逻辑性的方法移到自己的服务班级(在他们各自的班级中为用户和许可提供具体逻辑)。 如果是这样的话,我最后可能要提供这些共享服务,我认为这不是一件好事。

  3. 任何需要从一个部门到另一个部门的行动都应当移至呼吁守则。 这对我来说似乎有问题,因为我将消除可能依赖的逻辑,并使它成为另一个层次的关切。 换言之,我一直称之为“用户服务”。 注册用户(注册用户)——现在我总是必须称职。 SetUpBasicPermissions () Immediate following each calls.

  4. Allow one service to call the other, but not both. If this is the case, which one do I choose? What do I do w/ the logic for the one that can t call the other?

  5. 利用代表将依赖性服务方法引入所谓的服务方法。 Bleh,这种声音是很荒谬的。






在设计一个服务时,在某些情况下,如果业务的合理流动是明智的,那么这种服务就毫无意义。 尽管试图将它保持在最低水平是更好的设计,因为越来越多的依赖者会增加政变,必须在单位测试中更加仔细地规划行为。

  1. The SRP principles states that every object should have a single responsibility so it s not ok to merge the classes.
  2. That s way inheritance way invented, use an abstract classes for common code and specialize after (don t use references)
  3. Dependency logic is bad, RegisterUser should do only that Register, not give Permissions. It s ok to move the dependency to the calling layer.
  4. Do this only if you must, it should be a bit clear after you make the abstrat class. Try object composition though.
  5. It s called a container, and you should understand it better after you read: http://www.potstuck.com/2009/01/08/php-dependency-injection

关于通知提及,OOP原则只表示避免抽象和具体类别(Hollywood 原则)之间的循环提及,但情况并非如此。 就像你一样,这 s。


objUser = new User();

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