The model:
Ext.ns( Workout.Models.user );
Ext.regModel( User , {
fields: [{
name: member_id ,
type: int
}, {
name: first_name ,
type: string
}, {
name: last_name ,
type: string
}, {
name: username ,
type: string
}, {
name: password ,
type: string
}, {
name: dob ,
type: date ,
dateFormat: Y-m-d
}, {
name: email_address ,
type: string
}, {
name: is_active ,
type: int
proxy: {
type: ajax ,
format: json ,
url: ../../_dev/json_fixtures/users.json ,
reader: {
type: json ,
root: users
root: users
The Store:
Ext.ns( Workout.Stores );
Workout.Stores.user = new{
model: User ,
storeId : Workout.Stores.user ,
sorters: [
last_name ,
first_name ,
autoLoad: true
The Grid:
Ext.ns( Workout.User );
Workout.User.grid = new Ext.grid.Panel({
store: Workout.Stores.user ,
text: Created At ,
dataIndex: created_at
}, {
text: First Name ,
dataIndex: first_name
The JSON File
"created_at":"2011-04-01 14:13:34",
Wheh I load my HTML page, the grid is empty. However, if I supply raw data to the store via the data
param, it loads. If I call User.load()
manually via the console, nothing happens. If i call User.load()
and pass in a valid JSON object,nothing happens.
Is there something I m missing / not doing right?