我安装了Oracle 10g快车客户。 现在我有2.1。 我试图遵循这一录像中的指示(http://www.you Programme.com/watch?v=xf2HEtNmHUmU),将其升级到Apex 4.0,但当我用小数输入我的密码时,它说TNS规改写错误,因此我无法继续工作。 请帮助我。
我安装了Oracle 10g快车客户。 现在我有2.1。 我试图遵循这一录像中的指示(http://www.you Programme.com/watch?v=xf2HEtNmHUmU),将其升级到Apex 4.0,但当我用小数输入我的密码时,它说TNS规改写错误,因此我无法继续工作。 请帮助我。
An invalid datatype is returned when I issue following command: CREATE TABLE msg_info ( msgcode PLS_INTEGER, msgtype VARCHAR2(30), msgtext VARCHAR2(2000), msgname VARCHAR2(30), ...
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I am writing a program in java where I need to create a copy of a table (without data). for that I am using the following query CREATE TABLE NEW_TABLE AS SELECT * FROM OLD_TABLE I have come across a ...
I have a column called THE_VALUE in a table TABLE_A, that holds data similar to the following, i.e a few sample rows might be: tom:harry, sally, jeff state(vic,nsw), england, qwerty(aaa,bbb, cccc):...