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jquery ui: ajax page + slider content
原标题:jquery ui: ajax page + slider content

I want to make a content slider similar to this site, but a bit simpler.

This is what I came out with so far. But I am stuck:

1. I want to change the position of the slider handle when an ajax page is loaded. the width of #content-holder should be extended when the ajax page is loaded, from 1500px to 2000px (depends on how big the ajax page is).

2. the #content-holder should slide to the left when the ajax page is load so that this ajax page will always visible when it is loaded.

3. when the ajax page is closed. the slider handle should go back to the original position. and the width of #content-holder should be contracted back to the original (1500px).

您可在我的jsfiddle here上阅读该守则。

Any ideas how I can achieve these 3 points?




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