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原标题:Trouble merging XAML resources and styles from different project

I am creating a number of WPF applications that all relate around one central WPF application and need to share the same styles and resources. In the first place I created a folder in my main project and added some XAML styles which all worked in displaying UI in the styles I wanted. Later, I created another application but wanted to share the same styles so I moved the styles into a third project, added that project to the main application and added the reference to the styles project. The problem is that the will not recognise my styles project. I prefixed the style with the project name and that did not work at all.

我现在要谈谈我可以进入资源开发商“路径”部分的xaml文档的整个相对途径以及该工程。 然而,如果我把该项目转移到另一个方面,那就会失败。 我恳请大家问,我为什么会这样做,有原因,例如简单地重新调整我的项目结构。 因此,通过参考而不是档案处理资源比较容易。




OK,我把它sus了! 基本上,你在单独的项目中增加一套资源字典,然后把该项目添加到解决方案中,并在你的主要项目中提及该项目。 我很想到这一点,但需要参考我的资源用于我的主要项目。


The syntax I used that work is as follows:

<ResourceDictionary Source="/StyleResource;component/MSResources/TabControl.xaml" />

Where StyleResources is the name of my project that holds my shared styles, MSResources is the folder in the styles project that holds the xaml file and the file name at the end is obvious. I have not yet read up about the “component” reference but it works so I will look at it later and update this post.



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