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原标题:pystackexchange polling issue

因此,我很新到晚上,我今天有一种想法,即制作一部对我的背书进行 poll击的文字,并在作改动时发出电子邮件,作为文本寄给我的电话。



import sys
from stackauth import StackAuth
from stackexchange import Site, StackOverflow
import smtplib

from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
from email import Encoders
import os

import time

gmail_user = "email@gmail.com"
gmail_pwd = "password"

def mail(to, subject, text):
   msg = MIMEMultipart()

   msg[ From ] = gmail_user
   msg[ To ] = to
   msg[ Subject ] = subject


   mailServer = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com", 587)
   mailServer.login(gmail_user, gmail_pwd)
   mailServer.sendmail(gmail_user, to, msg.as_string())
   # Should be mailServer.quit(), but that crashes...

old_rep = None

while True:

    user_id = 731221 if len(sys.argv) < 2 else int(sys.argv[1])
    print  StackOverflow user %d s accounts:  % user_id

    stack_auth = StackAuth()
    so = Site(StackOverflow)
        accounts = stack_auth.associated(so, user_id)
    REP =  accounts[3].reputation
    print REP
        if REP != old_rep:
        old_rep = REP

Currently if you print REP it is right at first, but doesnt update if my rep changes. Ideally it would. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


This is a simplified example that will loop properly:

import time
from stackauth import StackAuth
from stackexchange import Site, StackOverflow

rep = None
while True:
    stack_auth = StackAuth()
    so = Site(StackOverflow)
    accounts = stack_auth.associated(so, 641766) # using my id
    so_acct = filter(lambda x: x.on_site.api_endpoint.endswith( api.stackoverflow.com ), accounts)[0] # filtering my accounts so I only check rep on stackoverflow
    if rep != so_acct.reputation:
        rep = so_acct.reputation
        print rep
        # send e-mail

我增加了一行,以过滤账户,只检查贵重物品在适当地点。 你们正在使用该指数,如果该指数是稳定的,我就没有想法,我是不是这样。 每10秒(如原例)的投票率可能微不足道,可能比每5分钟更合理? 你们真的需要一分钟才能更新你们的回忆? 考虑仅写这本书,每5、10、15分钟。

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