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Hasha a bytestring
原标题:Hash a byte string

I m working on a personal project, a file compression program, and am having trouble with my symbol dictionary. I need to store previously encountered byte strings into a structure in such a way that I can quickly check for their existence and retrieve them. I ve been operating under the assumption that a hash table would be best suited for this purpose so my question will be pertaining to hash functions. However, if someone can suggest a better alternative to a hash table, I m all ears. All right. So the problem is that I can t come up with a good hashing key for these byte strings. Everything I think of either has a very uneven distribution, or is takes too long. Here is a list of the situation I m working with:

  1. All byte strings will be at least two bytes in length.
  2. The hash table will have a maximum size of 3839, and it is very likely it will fill.
  3. Testing has shown that, with any given byte, the highest order bit is significantly less likely to be set, as compared to the lower seven bits.
  4. Otherwise, bytes in the string can be any value from 0 - 255 (I m working with raw byte-data of any format).
  5. I m working with the C language in a UNIX environment. I d prefer to stick with standard libraries, but it doesn t need to be portable to other OSs. (I.E. unistd.h is fine).
  6. Security is of NO concern.
  7. Speed is of a HIGH concern.
  8. The size isn t of intense concern, as it will NOT be written to file. However, considering the potential size of the byte strings being stored, memory space could become an issue during the compression.


作为奖金,你根本不需要洗衣。 你们一劳永逸地重新储存/检索/完成整个序列,而只留下少量的记忆。

Edit: And as an additional bonus, with only a second parse, you can look up sequences that are "close" to your current sequence, so you can get rid of a sequence and use the previous one for both of them, with some internal notation to hold the differences. That will help you compress files better because:

  1. smaller dictionary means smaller files, you have to write the dictionary to your file
  2. smaller number of items can free up space to hold other, more rare sequences if you add a population cap and you hit it with a large file.


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