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原标题:Socket transmit data but can t receive response

我正试图在C++中执行菲律宾国家警察,但我发现有几处来源,但没有工作。 我发现这项工作(。 http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/upnplib.aspx,但用于www.NET,因此,我决定向网络发出信息,以了解该守则正在做些什么,然后与书状相同。

Here are the results (full size: https://i.stack.imgur.com/eLoHK.jpg): enter image description here



#define upnp_broadcast_ip   ""
#define upnp_broadcast_port 1900
#define upnp_search_request "M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1

WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &WsaData);

BOOL discover( )
    SOCKET              ConnectSocket;
    struct sockaddr_in  Addr;
    char                Buffer[1450];
    int                 t       = 0,
                        iResult = 0,
                        TrueLen = sizeof(bool);
    bool                True    = true;
    ulong               One     = 1;

    // Open datagram socket
    ConnectSocket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP );

    // Clear out struct
    memset( &Addr, 0, sizeof(Addr) );

    // Specify the address family, IP address, and port
    Addr.sin_family      = AF_INET;
    Addr.sin_port        = htons( upnp_broadcast_port );
    Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( upnp_broadcast_ip );

    iResult = setsockopt( ConnectSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char*)&True, TrueLen ); // Not sure what is this for

    // Transmit data
    int sent = sendto( ConnectSocket, upnp_search_request, strlen(upnp_search_request), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&Addr, sizeof(Addr) );

    // Try to receive data 10 times
    for( t = 0; t < 10; t++ )
        ioctlsocket( ConnectSocket, FIONBIO, &One );

        // Clear out buffer
        memset( &Buffer, 0, sizeof(Buffer) );
        int length = sizeof(Addr);

        // Receive data
        iResult = recvfrom( ConnectSocket, Buffer, (sizeof(Buffer) - 1), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&Addr, &length );
        if( iResult == SOCKET_ERROR)
            Sleep( 1000 );
        } else {
            // Do stuff with received data

    closesocket( ConnectSocket );
    return FALSE;

我删除了所有AGet LastError(WAGet LastError()的错误核对,使密码更容易阅读,所有事情都经过了罚款,直到从中删除,这总是回报-1和tre(WSAGet LastError())的印刷“不知错误”。




正如Kurkun所指出的,我的最初答案是错误的。 此外,lem子正确地诊断出问题:人民党的要求是从错误的交错渠道提出的。 问题在于,我无法确定你如何确定正确的接口。 一种可能性是利用路由表上载有缺省门的接口,但我认为这是正确的选择。 可能有一些PnP装置被 h到其他接口。

一种办法是在所有现有接口上发送初步搜索包。 或许可以回答


Why broadcast? UPnP uses multicast, so as far as I remember (Unix) you should use setsockopt() to request that the kernel join a multicast group. I am not sure about Windows, it could be the same call. Something like:

 struct ip_mreq mreq;


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