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原标题:Stripping irrelevant parts of a web page

Is there a API or systematic way of stripping irrelevant parts of a web page while scraping it via Python? For instance, take this very page -- the only important part is the question and the answers, not the side bar column, header, etc. One can guess things like that, but is there any smart way of doing it?


The s approach from the Readability bookmarklet, with at minimum two Zhu implementations available:


In general, no. In specific cases, if you know something about the structure of the site you are scraping, you can use a tool like Beautiful Soup to manipulate the DOM.

一种办法是比较共享同一模板的多个网页的结构。 在这种情况下,你将比较多个SO问题。 然后,你可以确定哪些内容是静态的(无用的)或动态的(有用)。

这个领域称为wrapper上岗。 不幸的是,这比它更加困难!

这一格特中心项目解决了你的问题,但它在 Java。 或许值得一看:goose

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