English 中文(简体)
• 如何将印度当地特区T(Thousand)改为(K)用于紧凑型货币,将汇合图转换成氟化物
原标题:How to convert T(Thousand) to (K) in Indian Locale for compact currency, in Syncfusion Charts in Flutter

我正在使用合成图,我需要以紧凑格式展示Y轴心。 通过违约进行整合,在数字表格中添加一个参数,以便进行格式化。 但图书馆使用的紧凑编号符号如下:

    3:  0T ,
    4:  00T ,
    5:  0L ,
    6:  00L ,
    7:  0Cr ,
    8:  00Cr ,
    9:  000Cr ,
    10:  0TCr ,
    11:  00TCr ,
    12:  0LCr ,
    13:  00LCr ,
    14:  000LCr ,

Here thousand is displayed as T, but I need to convert it to K, I can t directly edit this file where the symbols are entered, because the deployment is happening via a ci/cd pipeline which download its own pub cache on each deployment. I can add a process to replace the symbols file with a modified file as part of the pipeline, but I don t know if it s a good practice, or what problems may arise over that.

我在想把整个斜线纳入平衡之中,并努力完成这项任务,似乎过于复杂,即使我确实如此,我也需要加以掩饰和修改。 cuz,因为它需要来自公共藏匿点的内装。


Numeric Axis constructor has an option to fromat the axis, axisLablelFormatter,

      axisLabelFormatter: (AxisLabelRenderDetails args) {
        NumberFormat numberFormat;
        if (args.value < 100000) {
          numberFormat = NumberFormat.compact();
        } else {
          numberFormat = NumberFormat.compact(locale: "en_IN");
        var text = numberFormat.format(args.value);
        return ChartAxisLabel(text, args.textStyle);

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