English 中文(简体)
原标题:F# simple type and structural comparison
  • 时间:2011-05-24 12:56:11
  •  标签:
  • .net
  • f#

in this question Why is this F# code so slow?, it is discussed that structrual comparison makes the function let min3(a, b, c) = min a (min b c) slow; shouldn t the structrual comparision on simple type be as fast as the native one? I am confused because people talked about always using HashIdentity.Structural for dictionary in F# in FSharp runs my algorithm slower than Python. If I have a dictionary with simple type(int or string) as the key, do I get performance penalty for using HashIdentity.Structural?



如果您确实需要考虑比较的性能,那么您可能需要了解编译器是如何工作的。在您引用的第一个示例中,min3函数的类型为a*a*a->;a when a:comparison。此函数将被编译为一个.NET方法,该方法采用3个泛型类型的参数,在C#中看起来像这样:

using LP = Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives;

T min3<T>(T a, T b, T c) {
    T d = LP.HashCompare.GenericLessThanIntrinsic(b,c) ? b : c;
    return LP.HashCompare.GenericLessThanIntrinsic(d,a) ? d : a;





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