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原标题:What is the difference between Hill Climbing Search and Best First Search?







[1] :根据解决方案节点的某些特定问题评估进行排序,例如路径查找搜索中的“与目的地的距离”。





Ask the question what is our aim... the final goal state? or the Best path to reach the goal state

The Best First Search is a systematic search algorithm where systematicity is achieved by moving forward iteratively on the basis of finding out the best heuristic value for the adjacent nodes for every current node.

Here the evaluation function ( heuristic function ) calculates the best possible path to achieve the goal state. So here we could see the Best First search is concerned about the best PATH to reach to the goal state.

However there are many problems where "Path to the Goal" is not a concern, the only thing is concerned is to achieve the final state in any possible ways or paths. (For eg: 8-queens problem).



Hill Climbing algorithm is a local search algorithm. So here we need to understand the approach to get to the goal state not the best path to reach when thinking about hill climbing.




(i) 位置(由状态定义)和



(i) 如果高程对应目标函数,则目标是找到最高峰,即全局最大值






Whereas, Best First Search algorithm look ahead of the immediate neighbors to find the best path to the goal(using Heuristic evaluation) and then proceeding with the best one. So difference lies in approach of local searches and systematic search algorithms.



In simple hill climbing, the first closer node is chosen, whereas in steepest ascent hill climbing all successors are compared and the closest to the solution is chosen.


Steepest ascent hill climbing is similar to best-first search, which tries all possible extensions of the current path instead of only one.


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