public class BasicIntegerValidator : ValidationRule {
public string PropertyNameToDisplay { get; set; }
public bool Nullable { get; set; }
public bool AllowNegative { get; set; }
string PropertyNameHelper { get { return PropertyNameToDisplay == null ? string.Empty : " for " + PropertyNameToDisplay; } }
public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo) {
string textEntered = (string)value;
int intOutput;
double junkd;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(textEntered))
return Nullable ? new ValidationResult(true, null) : new ValidationResult(false, getMsgDisplay("Please enter a value"));
if (!Int32.TryParse(textEntered, out intOutput))
if (Double.TryParse(textEntered, out junkd))
return new ValidationResult(false, getMsgDisplay("Please enter a whole number (no decimals)"));
return new ValidationResult(false, getMsgDisplay("Please enter a whole number"));
else if (intOutput < 0 && !AllowNegative)
return new ValidationResult(false, getNegativeNumberError());
return new ValidationResult(true, null);
private string getNegativeNumberError() {
return PropertyNameToDisplay == null ? "This property must be a positive, whole number" : PropertyNameToDisplay + " must be a positive, whole number";
private string getMsgDisplay(string messageBase) {
return String.Format("{0}{1}", messageBase, PropertyNameHelper);