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原标题:Is there a way in c++ to make sure that class member function isnt changing any of the class data members?
  • 时间:2011-06-02 10:31:43
  •  标签:
  • c++
  • syntax


class Dictionary
vector<string> words;  
void addWord(string word)//adds to words
bool contains(string word)//only reads from words

Is there a way to make compiler check that contains isnt changing words vector. Ofc this is just an example with one class data member, I would like it to work with any number of data members. P.S. I know i have no public: and private:, I left it out intentionally to make code shorter and problem clearer.



bool contains(string word) const





class Thingy
    void apple() const;
    void banana();

class Blah
    Thingy t;
    int *p;
    mutable int a;

    Blah() { p = new int; *p = 5; }
    ~Blah() { delete p; }

    void bar() const {}
    void baz() {}

    void foo() const
        p = new int;  // INVALID: p is const in this context
        *p = 10;      // VALID: *p isn t const

        baz();        // INVALID: baz() is not declared const
        bar();        // VALID: bar() is declared const

        t.banana();   // INVALID: Thingy::banana() is not declared const
        t.apple();    // VALID: Thingy::apple() is declared const

        a = 42;       // VALID: a is declared mutable


bool contains(string word) const
//                        ^^^^^^

Another positive thing: You can only call other const member functions! :) Yet another good thing: You re allowed to call those functions on const objects of your class, example:

void foo(const Dictionary& dict){
  //  dict  is constant, can t be changed, can only call  const  member functions
    // ...
  // this will make the compiler error out:


bool contains(string word) const
// ...

编译器将告诉您是否在类成员上使用任何不是const的方法。还要注意,您可以通过引用传递字符串以避免复制(使<code>word</code>参数<code>std::string const&;</code〕)。


void addWord(string word) const { /... }

If you try to change any members inside the body, the compiler will give an error. Also note that inside a method declared const, you can t call other methods that are not declared const.


bool contains(string word) const

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