English 中文(简体)
无法通过Zend Framework导出到excel 2010学生版
原标题:Cant export to excel 2010 student edition via Zend Framework

我正试图将数据导出到ms-excel,我的应用程序有Office 2010学生版,请关注Pablo Viquez的帖子http://www.pabloviquez.com/2009/08/export-excel-spreadsheets-using-zend-framework/




  1. On opening the file all that is shown is the code in my todaysappointmentsreport.export.phtml file




class Reports_ReportController extends Zend_Controller_Action 
  public function init() 

       // Excel format context 
            $excelConfig = 
            array( excel  => array 
                                            ( suffix   =>  excel , 
                                                     headers  => array( 
                                                                                     Content-type  =>  application/vnd.ms-excel )), 

       //initalise context switch 
       $contextSwitch = $this->_helper->contextSwitch(); 

       // Add the new context 

            // Set the new context to the reports action 
            $contextSwitch->addActionContext( todaysappointmentsreport ,  excel ); 



 // action to redirect user straight to login page 
 public function preDispatch() 
   // set admin layout 
  // check if user is authenticated 
  // if not, redirect to login page 
  $url = $this->getRequest()->getRequestUri();           
  if (!Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) { 
  $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace( petmanager.auth ); 
  $session->requestURL = $url; 
  $this->_redirect( /login ); 

 // report to print todays appointments 
 public function todaysappointmentsreportAction() 
     $t=date( y-m-d ); 
            $q = Doctrine_Query::create()   
                    ->from( PetManager_Model_Groomappointments g ) 
        ->leftJoin( g.PetManager_Model_Clients c ) 
                    ->leftJoin( g.PetManager_Model_Pets p ) 
                    ->leftJoin( g.PetManager_Model_Users u ) 
                    ->leftJoin( g.PetManager_Model_Groomservices s ) 
                    ->leftJoin( s.PetManager_Model_Groomprocedures r ) 
                    ->where( g.gapmtStatus = 1 AND g.gapmtDate = ? ,$t) 
                    ->orderBy( g.gapmtSTime,g.gapmtSTime,u.name ); 
                     $result = $q->fetchArray(); 
                     if (count($result) >= 1) { 
                     $this -> view -> records = $result;             



 // Change error reporting for compatibility 
 // Spreadsheet Excel Writter was built using PHP4, 
 // so there s a lot of DEPRECATED notices 
   error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); 

 * PEAR package 
 * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
 * @see PEAR/Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php 
 require_once  Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php ; 

 // Lets define some custom colors codes 
 define( CUSTOM_DARK_BLUE , 20); 
 define( CUSTOM_BLUE , 21); 
 define( CUSTOM_LIGHT_BLUE , 22); 
 define( CUSTOM_YELLOW , 23); 
 define( CUSTOM_GREEN , 24); 

// First, we create a Workbook 
$workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer(); 

 // Add one sheet, called: Users Report 
 $worksheet = &$workbook->addWorksheet( Todays Grooming Appointments Report ); 

 // Create the custom colors on our new workbook 
 // This function takes 4 params: 
 //    - Code index [1 to 64] 
 //    - RGB colors (0-255) 
  $workbook->setCustomColor(CUSTOM_DARK_BLUE, 31, 73, 125); 
  $workbook->setCustomColor(CUSTOM_BLUE, 0, 112, 192); 
  $workbook->setCustomColor(CUSTOM_LIGHT_BLUE, 184, 204, 228);  
  $workbook->setCustomColor(CUSTOM_YELLOW, 255, 192, 0); 
  $workbook->setCustomColor(CUSTOM_GREEN, 0, 176, 80); 

  // Lets hide gridlines 

  // Lets create some custom styles 
  $formatHeader = &$workbook->addFormat(); 
  $formatHeader = 
    array( Size     => 16, 
           VAlign   =>  vcenter , 
           HAlign   =>  center , 
           Bold     => 1, 
           Color    =>  white , 
           FgColor  => CUSTOM_DARK_BLUE)); 

   $formatReportHeader = 
    array( Size      => 9, 
           VAlign    =>  bottom , 
           HAlign    =>  center , 
           Bold      => 1, 
           FgColor   => CUSTOM_LIGHT_BLUE, 
           TextWrap  => true)); 

   $formatData = 
         Size    => 8, 
         HAlign  =>  center , 
         VAlign  =>  vcenter )); 

   * First, format the worksheet, adding the headers 
   * and row/columns custom sizes 

   // Create a nice header with a dark blue background 
   // The function setRow takes 3 parameters: 
   //    - row index 
   //    - row height 
   //    - Format to apply to row [Optional] 
   $worksheet->setRow(0, 11, $formatHeader); 
   $worksheet->setRow(1, 46, $formatHeader); 
   $worksheet->setRow(2, 11, $formatHeader); 
   $worksheet->setRow(3, 11, $formatHeader); 
   $worksheet->setRow(4, 11, $formatHeader); 

// Set the size of the columns 
// The function setColumn takes 5 params: 
//     - First column 
//     - Last column 
//     - Column Width 
//     - Format [Optional, default = 0] 
//     - Hidden [Optional, default = 0] 
 $worksheet->setColumn(0, 0, 7); //  shrink it to 7 
 $worksheet->setColumn(1, 1, 12); // set the width to 12 
 $worksheet->setColumn(1, 1, 15); // set the width to 15 
 $worksheet->setColumn(1, 1, 15); // set the width to 15 
 $worksheet->setColumn(1, 1, 15); // set the width to 15 

* Once we have the format ready, add the text to the spreadsheet 
// Write a text header 
$worksheet->write(1, 1,  Todays Grooming Appointments Report , $formatHeader); 

 // Create the header for the data starting @ row 6
 $indexCol = 0; 
 $indexRow = 6; 
 $worksheet->write($indexRow, $indexCol++,  Scheduled Time , $formatReportHeader); 
 $worksheet->write($indexRow, $indexCol++,  Client , $formatReportHeader); 
 $worksheet->write($indexRow, $indexCol++,  Pet , $formatReportHeader); 
 $worksheet->write($indexRow, $indexCol++,  Procedure , $formatReportHeader); 
 $worksheet->write($indexRow, $indexCol++,  Groomer , $formatReportHeader); 

 $indexRow++;   // Advance to the next row 
 $indexCol = 0; // Start @ column 0 

 // Print the report data 
 if(count($this->records) == 0) { 
  // No data 
     No Appointments , 

 } else { 
  // Write the data 
   foreach ($this->records as $r) { 
        $this->$r[ gapmtSTime ] - $this->substr$r[ gapmtETime ], 

        $this->$r[ PetManager_Model_Clients ][ firstName ] $this->$r [ PetManager_Model_Clients ][ lastName ], 

        $this->$r[ PetManager_Model_Pets ][ name ], 

        $this->$r[ PetManager_Model_Groomservices ][ PetManager_Model_Groomprocedures ][ groomprocedure ], 

        $this->$r[ PetManager_Model_Users ][ name ], 

    // Advance to the next row 

 * Response with the excel file 

 // Sends HTTP headers for the Excel file. 
 $workbook->send( todaysappointmentsreport.xls ); 

// Calls finalization methods. 
// This method should always be the last one to be called on every workbook 


public function indexAction()
    $this->filename = "/excel-" . date( "m-d-Y" ) . "-".mt_rand(10000,20000).".xls";

    $realPath = realpath($this->filename);
    if (false === $realPath )
        chmod($this->filename, 0777); 

    $this->filename = realpath( $this->filename );
    $this->handle = fopen( $this->filename, "w" );

    $projectsModul = new Model_DbTable_Projects();
    $projects = $projectsModul->fetchProjects();

    foreach ($projects->toArray() as $row)
        $this->finalData[] = array(
            $row[ id ],
            $row[ company ],
            $row[ project ],
            $row[ start ],
            $row[ end ]

    foreach ( $this->finalData AS $finalRow )
        fputcsv( $this->handle, $finalRow, "	" );

    fclose( $this->handle );


    $this->getResponse()->setRawHeader( "Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel; charset=UTF-8")
        ->setRawHeader("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=excel.xls")
        ->setRawHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary")
        ->setRawHeader("Expires: 0")
        ->setRawHeader("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0")
        ->setRawHeader("Pragma: public")
        ->setRawHeader("Content-Length: " . filesize($this->filename))







//create the csv file header and filename based on the action name
    $actionName = $this->getRequest()->getActionName();
    new Admin_Model_Resource_csvFileHeader( $actionName );



class Admin_Model_Resource_csvFileHeader


private $_csvFileNameFromAction = null;

 * Create the first part of the csv file name from the action name
 * @param <string> $actionName - name of the controller action for the report
public function __construct( $actionName )
    $this->_csvFileNameFromAction = $actionName;

 * Method is called direct from the constructor
 * to centralise and make consistent the csv file header
 * so it maximises code re-use
 * @return null - just generate the csv header
public function generateCsvHeader()
    $dateSuffix = date( d-m-Y , time());
    $csvFileName = $this->_csvFileNameFromAction. _ .$dateSuffix;

    header( Content-Type: text/x-csv; name=" .$csvFileName. .csv" );
    header( Content-Disposition: inline; filename=" .$csvFileName. .csv" );
    header( Pragma: public );
    header( Last-Modified:  .gmdate( D, d M Y H:i:s ) .   GMT );
    header( Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate );
    header( Cache-Control: pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0 );
    header( Content-Transfer-Encoding: none );


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