English 中文(简体)
原标题:Is it possible to save only half of a symmetric matrix to save the memory?

在<代码>Ax=b类型问题上使用了大量矩阵。 <>A>/strong>是不对称的。 是否有任何算法让我们只节省一半的基数,并像<条码>x=A那样运作?


You ll only save half the memory, but you can do this by creating a flat version of the matrix, saving that, then unflattening it. The extra time required probably doesn t make the saving worthwhile, mind:

% pretend this is symettric...
A = rand(10, 10);

% store it as a flat list
flatA = [];
for k = 1:size(A,1)
    flatA = [flatA; A([1:k],k)];

save( flatA.mat ,  flatA );

% undo
N = (-1 + (1+4*2*length(flatA))^0.5)/2;
newA = NaN(N,N); 
cur = 1;
for k = 1:N
    len = k;
    newA(1:len, k) = flatA(cur:cur+len-1);
    cur = cur + len;
% real A cannot have NaNs or this trick fails
newA(isnan(newA)) = newA(isnan(newA )) ;

Here s an idea, but I haven t tested it out. If your symmetric matrix is positive definite, do a Cholesky decomposition of the symmetric matrix, A, giving you A = U*U . If you store U as a sparse matrix using MATLAB s builtin sparse matrix, you have everything you need, and you ve used roughly half the memory. Since its using MATLAB s sparse matrix type, you have operate on it using standard MATLAB functions, as long as you remember that A = U*U

For example, to compute A*x = b, use x = U U. Unlike the other proposed solutions, MATLAB will never be actually using a full matrix internally, and will even use accelerated solvers that will take advantage of the fact that you re only solving with triangular. The cost is that to solve a single system, you ve actually running the backslash operator twice (see above). However, that s the price you pay for never instantiating the full matrix.

If you extract the upper triangular part and convert to a sparse matrix, it should save memory. This technique is reasonably quick.

% Create a symmetric matrix
A = rand(1000);
A = A + A ;

% Extract the upper triangular part
B = sparse(triu(A))              % This is the important line, the rest is just checking.

% Undo
BB = full(B);
C = BB + BB  - diag(diag(BB));

% Check correct
assert(all(A(:) == C(:)));

% Save matrices
save( A.mat ,  A );
save( B.mat ,  B );

% Get file sizes
infoA = dir( A.mat ); infoA.bytes
infoB = dir( B.mat ); infoB.bytes

EDIT to clarify things for woodchips

The above solution demonstrates a way of saving matrices with less file space. The matrix B also takes up less memory than the original matrix A. If you want to do linear algebraic operations on B, that works perfectly well. Compare

b = rand(1000);
fullTriUA = triu(A);
sparseTriUA = sparse(fullTriUA);  %same as B above
fullResult = fullTriUA;
sparseResult = sparseTriUA;
assert(all(fullResult(:) == sparseResult(:)))

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