原文:Best way to create a custom View class from an xml layout file?
I know this has been discussed over and over again but I can t find a solution to suit my needs. Scenario: To keep the explanation simple, I have a custom view which displays two images a big one ...
• 拥有两个海关观察组、超级观察组和分组。 分组载有意见。 加入我的“超级审查小组”,加入我的“超级审查小组”和“分组”。
我在若干申请中看到了这1份申请,我谨询问使用了哪些内容。 我在谈到3个名单时,正视着一个轮椅......第一个轮椅会影响到第3位,因为......
I asked another questıon and after, I continued to this problem... Firstly My first Question: how to Custom Button (has two TextFields) on Android I extended a class form LinearLayout, and I add two ...