原文:What in my manifest fle is keeping me limited to 240 tablet devices, with no phones?
我们正在尝试推出我们的第一个和机器人应用程序。 它在10.1到3.1.1的各种屏幕尺寸模拟器中测试精细。 然而, 当我们试图将Apk上传到网站时, 它表示我们只是...
原文:Why some permissions of Android are not listed in the original Android Developers page?
What is the difference between the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION and ACCESS_COARSE Android permission? The ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION can be found in the Android developers page, whether the ACCESS_COARSE is ...
原文:Mapview not showing map when run from Eclipse. How to sign the app?
如果我把该项目出口到APK,并与我的关键签署,那么地图集就在我的手机上工作。 但是,我不是通过在Eclipse选择Run来掌握我的手机。
原文:Android-Installing to device using eclipse install two instance of same app at once-error
Android-Installing to device using eclipse install two instance of same app at once-error and it runs when just after installed using the eclipse but when I touch the once of the icon its not ...
原文:Android - Check if APP is already installed
原文:Android: how to get the name of apk file programmatically?
For some reasons, my app can be installed with different apk names. At launch, I would like to know what is the name of the apk file. Do you know how to do that ? Thanks !
原文:Signing APK by commandline
我正在与Eclipse和AndanSDK一道开发和应用甲状腺素。 为了在装置上测试 app具,它每次都很难做同样的工作:
原文:install apk from another android app without using sd card
我能够下载一个pk文档,并储存在我的/数据/数据/数据/com.android.myApp/anotherApp.apk。 我很想知道,我是否能够用某种方式从另一处安装这一档案。 我目前正在使用:
原文:Android XML Extracted from APK - Bad Encoding
利用DDMS 我从我的电话中下载了APK,并对此置之不理。
原文:How can I compile Android stock Mms App into an .apk?
我想对Mms Anders应用软件作一些改动,并在我的装置上安装。 然而,在汇编从 g获得的编码核对表方面存在问题。 我创造了一个新的短片......。
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