原文:Git Hub GitIgnore error
我总是得到这个错误: 错误 : 您对以下文件的本地更改会被合并覆盖 :. gitignore 我如何让它忽略 Home 目录中的. gitignore 文件? my...
原文:How to create a .gitignore file
我需要在我的. gitignore 文件中添加一些规则 。 然而, 我无法在我的工程文件夹中找到它 。 它不是由 X code 自动创建的吗? 如果不是, 什么命令允许我创建它?
原文:git excludes vs ignores
I use Tower for using Git in Mac. The settings in Tower has Ignores section which creates the .gitignore, but it has another section named "Excludes". And it seems like that one can use excludes with "...
原文:gitignore match files with pre and suffix in subdirectory
I like to track only files that start with "es" and end with *.h or *.m so i tried this: #exlude all * #except !es*.h !es*.m and #exlude all * #except !*/es*.h !*/es*.m but neither works for ...
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