原文:JPlayer mp3 not working (chrome)
I m trying to set up JPlayer on a website in Chrome. I have an mp3 and ogg file on the server called: test.mp3 and test.ogg. If I set the media to mp3 supplied and the mp3 path, it doesn t work. If ...
I m trying to set up JPlayer on a website in Chrome. I have an mp3 and ogg file on the server called: test.mp3 and test.ogg. If I set the media to mp3 supplied and the mp3 path, it doesn t work. If ...
I am creating radiobuttons in HTML .I am getting data from SQL Database.I am creating an attendence form in which there will be student name,Present Radio button ,Absent Radio button. I put the ...
I am trying to make a webpage that connects to my SQL database and fetches information from a table and place it into a text box. The information it fetches is dependent on what is entered into ...
“Quit”(exit button)i, 想用javascript ,cs , 并用超文本书写
我在Safat 5.1.7的若干装置上测试了Windows,而我看不到超5摄像机。
i 有一个表格,其变量与我的sql相左,表格在表格内,我试图用一张发票作字为用户打印的页数,但试图做到......。
I want the following structure with ul _________________________________ 1 2 3 4 _________________________________ 5 6 7 8 ...
如果您使用j Query和Ajax混合体来管理像这样的用户上载表格的头端:
我试图复制平均使用的评级箱的基本效果(见以下网址:http://www.theverge.com/ 2009/5/9/3002183/airplay-speaker-review-iphone at the Worst)。
我有一个很简单的超文本轨道,我试图(而且不错)适当格式。 我基本上有以下要素:
这一相对地点html的负责人是否与所有平台的所有浏览器完全一致? 任何标准?
It seems that the onmouseout event in the .izberiLokacija class is being triggered by the onmouseout event in <li>. Is this the way Javascript works or am I doing anything wrong. If that is the ...