我遇到麻烦,发现记忆泄露,再次造成我的航道坠毁。 看来,分配给JPEGRepresentation的记忆并未公布。 这更令人奇怪,因为......
原文:How to detect alpha pixels in UIImage
I am trying to pass hitTest to the element underneath mine if the user touch is on an alpha pixel (transparent) What I don t know is how to find out if pixel on CGPoint(20, 20) is full alpha or not? ...
原文:How to center my current location in MKMapView?
I am showing the current location in MKMapView by using showUserLocation enables. I also want to center the mapview to the user current location and also the zoomed map of location. Please help me ...
原文:Open an UIAlertView again from its own delegate fails in iOS
I have an iPhone App that opens an UIAlertView with an UITextInput field and a button. When the button gets pressed the delegate method should do a validation of the input and on success proceed app ...
原文:Can t find NSButton for iOS
i am using xcode4 and storyboard to create an application form. I would like to add check button and found using NSButton is the best way, but I could not find NSButton in the object library. Would ...
原文:Instance variable used while self is not set to the result of
I m与SGAREnvioroment合作,我有以下错误:
原文:where to use generated shared secret in in app puschase in iphone sdk?
原文:Not able to give connection from files to UIText field in interface builder
我有三点看法认为适用。 第三,在档案中加入该法典
原文:iOS5 UITapRecognizer for UIScrollView interfering with buttons. How to fix?
我在《美国国际法学会评论》中拥有一席UIButtons。 我试图在滚动观点中增加主人。 护堤大火,但现在我的纽州没有工作。
原文:Root UIView in UIViewController cannot be resized
原文:Is it possible to check if a user has a twitter account in the built-in twitter app of iOS 5?
第5号卫星具有深厚的垂直融合。 如何检查用户是否在固定的批量中拥有一个账户(即他使用该账户),然后使用UApplication开了URL:在用户或之前启动。
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