原文:Take Photos Within Application Saving
I am trying to take photos within my application and save them to a path with two dates (to specify when the photo was taken). - (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker ...
原文:Which method to resize UIImage is better and why?
原文:Navigation buttons missing from UIImagePickerController when added to UIPopoverController
问题很奇怪。 当我给我的UIPopoverController增加一架UIImagePickerController时,通常在航标上显示的取消纽芬兰就不复存在。
原文:UITableViewCell layoutSubViews: why don t I get animation?
原文:CGAffineTransformMakeRotation UILabel distortion
I m试图以45度轮换一只三肢。 我把变卖财产归到CGAffine TransformMakeRotation(M_PI * 0.25),但当我这样做时,劳动监察员刚刚消失。 如果我改变0.25至0.26,我......
原文:What is the best way to send data to/from iOS?
是否有向海洋观测系统发送数据的最佳做法? 我是否应该远离“JSON”和(或)XML? 还有,是否有这方面的众所周知的框架?
原文:No spacing between cells in a grouped UITableView
原文:What should happen when Local notification method calls some other method and our app is executing long function?
如何处理这种情况,当我开始一个长期的工作进程时。 我有一些通知是在我之间发出的,我不得不执行某些任务,但确实是承认。
原文:iOS UIView subclass with NIB file does not display the UI designed in IB
I have a class that inherits from UIView, and this class has some controls that I have placed on it in IB. Then, in the NIB file for my main view controller, I placed a view, and changed the class to ...
原文:Itunes Connect Invalid Binary
我在书库中提交了我的照片。 第一,我证实这一点,并取得成功。 然后,我提交了这一文件,并经过了精炼后再上载到SitLink。 在一分钟后,它说档案无效......
原文:Switching to landscape view and using a tab bar controller
我正在用一个刺刀子控制我。 如果一种观点认为控制器的“结果”和信使装置能够轮流进入地貌模式,则转而采用我称之为的另一种观点。
原文:Managing absence of current location
I am new to the objective C programming and I am in a position where I need to create an iPhone App really quickly. I am using XCode 4.2 I have found a method to get the user country (using NSLocale) ...
原文:CustomTableViewCell with xib. I can t wire up the labels to the custom state table cell
I ve Just firmTableViewCell.xib. 然后,我与IBOutlets公司建立了“可陈诉书”。 在身份检查人员中,我把这种类型改为我的习惯词。
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