• 如何将录像带入高射标记博客[封闭]
原文:how to include video in jekyll markdown blog [closed]
原文:how to include video in jekyll markdown blog [closed]
我刚刚开始使用高射线进行博客。 我写上我的职称。 我现在想把YouTube录像带入我的岗位。 我如何能够这样做?
原文:Jekyll escapes output from CoffeeScript converter (with Octopress)
原文:Jekyll escapes output from CoffeeScript converter (with Octopress)
I m 运行一个基于Jekyll的 Oct浴室。 现在我想补充一些 Java文,我想在咖啡厅读写。
- winforms
- combobox
- fogbugz
- java
- date
- internationalization
- asp.net
- iis
- url-rewriting
- urlrewriter
- c#
- enums
- ocaml
- haxe
- algorithm
- string
- viewstate
- .net
- c++
- c
- symbol-table
- mysql
- database
- postgresql
- licensing
- migration
- vb.net
- vb6
- declaration
- vb6-migration
- python
- psycopg2
- backup
- vmware
- virtualization
- gnu-screen
- authentication
- desktop
- excel
- xll
- cultureinfo
- regioninfo
- oracle
- client
- session
- download
- html
- virtual
- constructor
- scenarios
- perl
- full-text-search
- javascript
- ajax
- testing
- oop
- inheritance
- vim
- encapsulation
- information-hiding