原文:How to get the complete systems info( like memory, drives, serial number and more) in a network using core ruby
• 如何在一个网络中利用气球和窗户机的核心废墟获得完整的系统信息(如记忆、驱动器、序列号等)。
原文:Geocoder Gem Reverse Geocoding
在看看铁路公司编号273之后,我想使用Geocodergem。 我看到:
原文:Using rails methods with Haml::Engine
I want to have a rake task that reads a HAML file and creates a static html file out of it. The reason for this is that I want to dynamically localize my error pages in a manner described here http://...
原文:Rails -- updating a model in a database
因此,我对审定问题略感关切——我设立了一个鉴定机构,以确保数据库中的任何用户都不会分享相同的电子邮件地址。 然后,我创建了数据库中的用户。 后来,我......
原文:Loading and generating Yaml file with similar keys
I ve got a yaml file document which have similar keys :- sample_file.yml line: title: line-name department: transcription input_formats: - input_format: name: company ...
原文:calling the column_name in the table while connecting via Oracle DB
I am trying to get the value from the table(employee)connecting through the oracle database. Since there are 100s of values in one column, I would need to iterate the table and get the exact value. I ...
原文:Any way to see map results in a mapreduce function?
原文:Accessing warden login information in Sinatra test response
原文:X509Certificate Java Class equivalent in Ruby?
原文:Javascript "development" and "production
原文:How to catch ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception during save()?
原文:How can I get around the lack of module inheritance in Ruby?
原文:Cleaning up controllers to speed up application
原文:Why do I get a nomethod error?
I call this method in my controller: delete_heard_timeline_event(current_user.id, @showable_video.user.id, @showable_video.video.id) and I definite it in my model: def delete_heard_timeline_event(...
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