原文:Snowflake - Listagg() with distinct and order by
需要在雪花数据库中获取以下结果的帮助 编码 描述 123 汽车 456 公共汽车 789 自行车 123 汽车 789 自行车 预期结果 编码 描述 123,456,789 汽车,公共汽车,自行车 ...
原文:Create a function in PostgreSQL
I am not sure how the CREATE FUNCTION statement works in PostgreSQL. I want to define a function (just for entertainment) such that given a number n, it prints asterisks starting from 1 up to n So I ...
原文:Use Draw.io to generate SQL / DDL scripts?
There are a lot of resources on internet about how to import tables into ER diagram on Draw.io using sql script. For example here (but I find plenty of resources googling): https://desk.draw.io/...
原文:Assistance with designing database relationships? [closed]
我把追踪每天运行、然后跟踪次日的库存的 app缩下来,如果想说明如何设计数据库关系,我就没有在几年内这样做。
原文:Retrieve data from sql server database using Python
原文:ORA-03150: end-of-file on communication channel for database link
原文:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near =
我开始在一页上出现错误,正为解决这一问题而努力。 我在Stack Overflow上搜索了同样的错误信息,发现一些人也这样做了。
原文:Difference Between Unique And Composite Primary key In sql server
原文:How can I check to see if some data exists and return a boolean value using SQLAlchemy
我正在利用KallAlchemy建立一个地图集网。 我怎么能够检查一下是否存在某些数据,是否存在着真实和反面的数据?
原文:Hive inequality join using between operator
我们有一个与下面相似的查询:(分区日期是我们的表格分区) SELECT * 来自一个 JOIN B, 其中分区日期 > B.Last_runtime; 我们意识到,通过将条件置于...
原文:PostgreSQL: Query has no destination for result data
I am trying to fetch data from remote db by using dblink through function but getting an error query has no destination for result data. I am using plpgsql language to do the same. Function: CREATE OR ...
原文:How to extract Certain nth character from a string in SQL
I have a field that returns the value as xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxx-xx-x. How do i extract the 10th character from that code.
原文:How to delete a prepared statement in PostgreSQL?
我已经利用SQL的校准(SQL)编制和使用发言稿。 我很想知道,在不切断数据库链接的情况下,是否有办法删除准备的声明? 或最好......
原文:MySQL Function: Selecting and returning column
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