原文:If I specify a default value for an argument of type "std::string &" in C++, could that cause a memory leak?
我有这样宣布的方法: / *!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\可以\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
原文:valgrind Invalid read of size 8
我试图理解为什么 Valgrind 报告了一个“ 4 大小的无效读数” 错误。 代码在 Linux 控制台编辑并给出正确的输出。 目标是构建一个动态的阵列结构记录( 最多为 10Mil...) 。
原文:Memory Leak Issue in function similar to scanf
在下面的代码中,我试图重新创建扫描功能,以读取从 stdin 读取的所有内容, 并打破新行字符, 返回在字符串中读取的所有字符。 但问题是代码...
原文:Debug boost::thread application, high false positive rate
I have programmed a boost::thread application, where I might have some race conditions. I want to debug this program. Therefore I used the following valgrind tools: halgrind drd unfortunately they ...
原文:unclear memory leak with vector, c++, when calling exit
I was debugging my program and I ve noticed that even though I ve marked almost all of it as comment and all I did was to push double values into a vector, I have a memory leak. I read the api in c++ ...
原文:Valgrind errors caused by pclose() on Mac OS X
I m 在试图铺设一条以前开放的管道时,会发现val差错。 错误出现在MacOS X,但并未出现在Ltino。 考虑以下例子:
原文:Callgrind main() inclusive cost much smaller than 100%
原文:Finding memory leaks in a C++ application with Visual Studio
In Linux, I have been using valgrind for checking if there are memory leaks in an application. What is the equivalent in Windows? Can this be done with Visual Studio 2010?
原文:Analyze with valgrind only some functions and subfunctions
我想对一部“大”的C法典进行 de击,并使用val,特别是工具肉类。 由于方案的规模,产出非常长,我只想注重某些职能和相对......。
原文:Understanding the Valgrind output [duplicate]
我早就派出了一个员额,要求检查记忆泄漏等。 我确实说,我不熟悉Lino的终端,但有人向我说,Valgrind很容易。
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