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简单的WPF 认证
原标题:A simple WPF Authentication

How to create a simple WPF Authentication for WPF application? For example: First time a user should registry then login. Users login and password should be saved as txt file(encrypted). If process of authentication is successful,then it should redirect to another existed window.

I m a beginner in WPF. I ve searched about this question,but didn t find what I need. I need a simple,step by step explanation of how to do it.



我也正在学习,以便做一个非常简单的榜样。 这可能是不专业和不安全的,但认为(hope)可以推广:




using System.IO;


public partial class LoginWindow : Window
    public LoginWindow()
    // This is really bad/weak encryption method
    String WeakDecryptMethod(String textIn)
        Char[] temp = textIn.ToArray<Char>();
        for (int i = 0; i < textIn.Length; i++)
            temp[i] = (char)((int)temp[i] - 3);
        return new String(temp);
    private void btnRegister_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        RegisterWindow newWindow = new RegisterWindow();
    private void btnOK_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        // If file exist and login and password are "correct"
        if (File.Exists("Users.txt") 
            && txtLogin.Text.Length >= 4 
            && txtPass.Text.Length >= 4)
            using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader("Users.txt"))
                // While there is something in streamReader read it
                while (streamReader.Peek() >= 0)
                    String decryptedLogin = WeakDecryptMethod(streamReader.ReadLine());
                    String decryptedPass = WeakDecryptMethod(streamReader.ReadLine());
                    if (decryptedLogin == txtLogin.Text && decryptedPass == txtPass.Text)
                        ProtectedWindow protectedWindow = new ProtectedWindow();
    private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


public partial class RegisterWindow : Window
    public RegisterWindow()
    // This is really bad/weak method to encrypt files
    String WeakEncryptMethod(String textIn)
        Char[] temp = textIn.ToArray<Char>();

        for (int i = 0; i < textIn.Length; i++)
            temp[i] = (char)((int)temp[i] + 3);
        return new String(temp);
    private void btnRegister_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        // If file exist and login and password are "correct"
        if (File.Exists("Users.txt") 
            && txtLogin.Text.Length >= 4 
            && txtPass.Text.Length >= 4 
            && txtPass.Text == txtPassCheck.Text)
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader("Users.txt"))
            using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter("Users.txt"))
    private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)



  1. It will be better if you will use some proper encryption functions and probably create separate class for it. Additionally i am almost sure that it will not work properly with login and password which contains the last 3 characters from the end of ASCII tables.
  2. In my opinion it is a bad idea to store login and password data in *.txt file :).
  3. As far i know C# code is very easily reverse engineered so probably it will be better to hide encryption/decryption part somehow. I do not know much about it, but u will be able to read more [here] 2 and probably uncle Google will be able to help.
  4. Code is very simple and there is probably a lot of possibilities to extend it (more file handling stuff, TextBox validation for proper input and password strength calculations)

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