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原标题:Main MVC3 web app interferes with child MVC3 web app

这里只是一些背景资料。 我目前正在与温·霍斯特共同担任东道,并安排如下工作:

Shared IIS
    |______Main Primary MVC3 web app (uses NHibernate & Castle.Windsor for ORM)
           |_______ Child MVC3 web app (not using NHibernate nor Castle.Windsor as it does not need database access)

At WinHost, it allows me to set the application starting point, so I can have

/ <= for primary app
/child <= for the child app

每一台都有自己的网络。 因此,它喜欢


Well, to my surprise, it seems that even though /child folder is set as an application starting point, it doesn t appear to be isolated from the parent primary web app, because when I try to load the child app, I get the infamous error

Could not load file or assembly Castle.Windsor or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.




Note: it should not a case of routing issue, because of two reasons 1. WinHost sets the /child folder as application starting point 2. Under the primary web app, I already ignored the child inside RegisterRoutes()

routes.IgnoreRoute("{folder}/{*pathinfo}", new { folder = "child" });

在3小时工作之后,我就失去了工作。 任何建议都受到高度赞赏。 让我知道,你们是否需要看到任何冲突。 事先感谢你!


I ended up resolving this by modifying the child app into an Area under the parent app. I then disabled application starting point for /child folder and removed the /child folder from server.


The issue is .config inheritance. But you can disable that using the <location> element:

<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false"> 


Here is an article with some more information: http://www.colincochrane.com/post/2007/11/Disabling-Configuration-Inheritance-For-ASPNET-Child-Applications.aspx

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