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How to use appcmd to set debug=false in IIS7
  • 时间:2009-11-13 14:14:14
  •  标签:
  • iis-7
  • appcmd

I m trying to use APPCMD to set debug=false in web.config, per the documentation.

The specific syntax I am using is:

APPCMD SET CONFIG "SITE/VDIR" section:compilation /debug:False /commit:APP

the output is

INFO ( section:compilation, timetaken:219, hresult:00000000, objects:1 ) Applied configuration changes to section "system.web/compilation" for "MACHINE/W EBROOT/APPHOST/SITE/VDIR" at configuration commit path "MACHINE/WE BROOT/APPHOST/SITE/VDIR"

Afterwards, debug still is set to true.

I have ruled out the file being read only; I have used process monitor to watch appcmd actually write to web.config in the correct location. My environment is Windows 2008 x64, SP2.

I understand that there are many different ways to solve the problem; different config files, doing it myself in xpath, nant, etc, but I m specifically interested in why APPCMD does not seem to be working, and to help others who may also be struggling with the tool. Thanks for your help!


I think this is a bug or by design . Having investigated this I noticed that it s possible to add and modify other attributes of the <compilation /> section (I haven t tried them all).

For example the following work just fine:

APPCMD SET CONFIG "SITE/VDIR" section:compilation /batch:False /commit:APP
APPCMD SET CONFIG "SITE/VDIR" section:compilation /defaultLanguage:"c#" /commit:APP

But as you observe it s just not possible to alter the debug attribute. It may be worth raising this as a bug on the MS Connect site if you ve got that ability:

Microsoft Connect

I also popped a question on the IIS forums:

Possible bug: Unable to set the "debug" attribute in the "compilation" section in web.config (IIS.NET)


This has been confirmed as an issue by a Microsoft employee:

Reply to Possible bug: Unable to set the "debug" attribute in the "compilation" section in web.config (IIS.NET)


By Catherine Shan s answer, "/debug" is a special switch for AppCmd.exe and needs to be escaped as"/!debug".

For example:

APPCMD SET CONFIG "SITE/VDIR" section:compilation /!debug:False /commit:APP

The answer post is February 21st, 2013, but it helped me today, better late than never.

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