English 中文(简体)
铁路3个带束弹片,部分带有ham和防阻性 j
原标题:rails 3 pass params into partial with haml and unobtrusive javascript

• 如何用ham子和不侵扰性 j子把 para子带进部分


$("#comment_list").html("#{escape_javascript( render(:partial => "shared/comments", :locals => { :commentable => @album }) ).html_safe}");


but in albums/show.html.haml

#comment_list= render :partial =>  shared/comments , :locals => { :commentable => @album }

a. 在无ug的情况下工作


I m 变化

#comment_list= render :partial =>  shared/comments , :locals => { :commentable => @album }


#comment_list= render :partial =>  shared/comments , :locals => { :commentable => @commentable }

安装 Haml v3.1.2



How to debug broken vim completefunc in haml files?

I m using rails.vim and I love how you can use ctrl-x ctrl-u in insert mode to autocomplete long method names like distance_of_time_in_words and accepts_nested_attributes_for. But for some reason it ...

ruby - if string is not contained within an array

I only want to output one anchor here. If the current_page is in the array I get two (.html and -nf.html). If it is not in the array I get as many anchors as there are items in the array. I am using ...

Feasibility of HAML + PHP/CakePHP

Is anyone using a HAML implementation for PHP like phpHaml or pHAML? Both projects have seen no activity for about 2 years, and both are < 1.0. Is it feasible/wise to use HAML for a large PHP ...

How can I use Haml with Catalyst?

Is it possible to use Haml instead of a templating engine with the Catalyst web framework?

Referencing a SASS file from HAML

How do I reference a .sass file from a .haml file? I have the following haml expression that will reference a .css file: %link{ href => /stylesheets/layout.css?cache=1 , rel => stylesheet ...

haml syntax - better way of writing this?

I have a config file full of this.... - if current_page.include? "test_string_one" - @total_index = 3 - @next_location = ../random_string/page0.html - @next_name = title 2 ...

haml syntax - better way of writing this?

There must be a better way of writing this- I m just not sure how (using staticmatic)- - if current_page.include? "0.html" - @current_index = 1 - if current_page.include? "1.html" - @...
