rel=“nofollow noreferer”http://earthexpansion.blogspot.com/02/syn光学-simplicity-again.html
难以想象在较小的地球上什么东西会看一看。 确实,有些人已视像化,但计算是什么?
不幸的是,我的经验完全是博尔·商业图表。 因此,在考虑是否发展诸如而开放,我甚至不知道如何解决这一问题。
你们怎样做呢? 概念、做法? 工具、技术? 地理数据来源?
An important factor to take into account in reverse engineering the Earth to a former continental configuration on a smaller planet is the age of the ocean floors as measured by the U.S. Navy and others. As you can see on the map, the ocean floor is very young everywhere as compared to the continental crust. Moving back in time and deflating the planet, the youngest ocean floor stretches (red, at the spreading ridges) will have to be removed first because we know they weren t there.
因此,这些测量大大限制了正在缩小的面积的地表重组问题。 然而,我对于在这样一个问题上使用地貌不知。