English 中文(简体)
• 如何利用受限控制来使用户停下来
原标题:How to use UISegmented control to keep the user logged in

I m 提供一种简单的信息,即把模式观点装上根基控制器,而模式观点则对使用者进行分门别类的控制,以选择他/她是否希望停留。 模式观点有一个用户名称和密码领域,其次为: 在对用户进行核实之后,他/她将被带往有县子将用户带往另一种观点,即特性1,特征2等。 如果用户利用背顿(由导航控制员驱动),我不想再次向用户索取其证书,因为那次评估再次把根基控制器装上,从而使用分部分控制。

How can use and implement the segmented control in this case? Thanks!




If you want to keep the login credentials stored longer (i.e. they may still be logged in if they close and reopen the app), you should use NSUserDefaults:


[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:YES forKey:@"UserIsLoggedIn"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];


BOOL loggedIn = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"UserIsLoggedIn"];


  • UserDefaults aren t secure. Please don t store passwords there without encrypting them.
  • boolForKey: returns NO if the key you provide doesn t exist

Why are u going for UISegmentedController? Just use simple UIBarButtonItem as Logout button on RootViewControllers navigation bar.
In RootViewControllers viewWillAppear/viewDidAppear method check wheather user is already Logged in or not. Based on that loads modal view.

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