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规划指挥线 Java项目的最佳途径
原标题:Best way to package a command line Java project

I m creating a java command line project, with no GUI. The project uses any number of open source projects : Spring, Logback, Commons CLI etc. When I started to think about packaging, I imagined it would come out as a zip file, that could be exploded to the jar, with a lib sub directory, and dependent jars in the lib.


I ve been playing with Maven Assembly, but it s still not coming out like the above, and I haven t found any examples that do generate the structure above. Is it possible to do so ? In addition, having a multi-module structure adds another layer of complexity that I haven t been able to resolve, as the assembly module can t find the core module as a dependency. This is my first Maven project, so am still learning how Maven works. I ve been through the Sonatype book, but missed something as even using the Best Practices section couldn t get the missing dependency resolved. The examples I ve seen usually involve merging into an uber executable jar, some of which use the Shade project, some don t. My question is, is doing an uber jar including 3rd party libs like Spring etc a good idea ? Or should I persevere with my original zip / lib subdirectory plan ?


您的组装模块是否取决于你想要包装的单元,然后使用“设计”; 独立性 Sets><module 定型号; 标号在你希望的任何布局中。 如果你还有其他一些并非依赖方的档案,你就可以将这些档案放在部署单元本身。

请读到编辑手册。 您可以包装、无包装、包括/排除和批准文件。




你只是需要更具体地对待你的大会描述。 只使用一种依赖性Set,其中仅包括主要支柱,将其交付给最高一级,而另一种依赖性Set则只排除了主要支柱,并交付给准继承人。

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