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Uploading a directory using sftp with Maven
  • 时间:2009-11-29 21:53:50
  •  标签:
  • maven
  • tycho

How can I upload a directory - Eclipse update site - using sftp with public key authentication in Maven?

For background information: I m using tycho to build an Eclipse plugin and want to get the update site ( <packaging>eclipse-update-site</packaging>) uploaded.

Asked on the Tycho users list as well.


I don t get why you couldn t use mvn deploy to deploy your eclipse-update-site artifact. So, this is my suggestion.

First, update your distributionManagement section:

<!-- Enabling the use of FTP -->

Then, add the wagon extension for sftp:


Finally, add the credentials into your ~/.m2/settings.xml:


And run mvn deploy.

Like above s answer but instead of wagon-ssh-external one needs to use wagon-ssh otherwise you ll get an error saying that sftp URLs are not known.

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