Prior Question: How to setpath for system wide use of Elixir and configuring VScode for ElixirLS? Question Updated
I installed Elixir using this tutorial on my Linuxmint machine.
Solved: But I have to each time run at my shell $. .bash_profile to fire up exenv to load the elixir. How to make it system wide or set path so that I can just fire iex without each time calling the at shell $. .bash_profile.
When I open VSCode, with Elixir-Ls plugin installed, my system just freezes. And I can t click anything. VSCode shows a pop up message as
"Failed to run "elixir" command ElixirLs will probably fail to launch
" Kindly help how to get ElixirLs working fine for Visual Studio. I even tried with "asdf" but didn t work for Vscode.