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原标题:Get public page statuses using Facebook Graph API without Access Token

I m 试图利用Facebook图表普朗,从公共网页获得最新地位,请说

http://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/?method=GET&path=microsoft%2Fstatuses”rel=“noreferer” http://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/?method=GET&path=microsoft%2Fstatuses。 - 我需要打字。 由于微软网页是公开的,这无疑是这种情况吗? 难道我没有办法获得这些公共地位,没有机会得到证明?

如果是这样,那么如何为我的网站打造出入通道的正确方法? 然而,我有一份申请索引,但所有实例见:。 描述处理用户标识。 我只想获得微软网页的最新状况,并在我的网站上展示。


This is by design. Once it was possible to fetch the latest status from a public page without access token. That was changed in order to block unidentified anonymous access to the API. You can get an access token for the application (if you don t have a Facebook application set for your website - you should create it) with the following call using graph API:


这称为App Access Token。 然后,你使用从上述照相机进行实际的APIC电话。



You can use AppID and Secret key to get the public posts/feed of any page. This way you don t need to get the access-token. Call it like below.




You can get the posts by simply requesting the site that your browser would request and then extracting the posts from the HTML.


// npm i request cheerio request-promise-native
const rp = require( request-promise-native ); // requires installation of `request`
const cheerio = require( cheerio );

function GetFbPosts(pageUrl) {
    const requestOptions = {
        url: pageUrl,
        headers: {
             User-Agent :  Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:64.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/64.0 
    return rp.get(requestOptions).then( postsHtml => {
        const $ = cheerio.load(postsHtml);
        const timeLinePostEls = $( .userContent ).map((i,el)=>$(el)).get();
        const posts = timeLinePostEls.map(post=>{
            return {
                message: post.html(),
                created_at: post.parents( .userContentWrapper ).find( .timestampContent ).html()
        return posts;
GetFbPosts( https://www.facebook.com/pg/officialstackoverflow/posts/ ).then(posts=>{
    // Log all posts
    for (const post of posts) {
        console.log(post.created_at, post.message);

For more information and an example of how to retrieve more than 20 posts see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54267937/2879085



I could fetch all posts and comments in some minutes, worked quite well for me.

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