English 中文(简体)
原标题:Convert nested list into tree picture

我有一份由JSON/Pythonnes的名单,这份清单代表了树木,每件物品都是 no子,如果是 list子,就是一个子树。


[[1, [[4, [[7], [8], [9]]], [5, [[7], [8], [9]]], [6, [[7], [8], [9]]]]], [2, [[4, [[7], [8], [9]]], [5, [[7], [8], [9]]], [6, [[7], [8], [9]]]]], [3, [[4, [[7], [8], [9]]], [5, [[7], [8], [9]]], [6, [[7], [8], [9]]]]]]



You could look into GraphViz for making basic graph images using its simple dot notation. Then in python you could make a really simple recursive function that generates the dot file and builds the graph.



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