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方框2D 碰撞探测
原标题:Box2D collision detection?

I am adding a b2BodyDef to my CCScene like so:

    b2BodyDef platformBodyDef;
    platformBodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody;
    platformBodyDef.position.Set(40, 495);
    platformBodyDef.userData = platforms;
    _body = _world->CreateBody(&platformBodyDef);

I know I am supposed to use contact listeners but I am new to Box2D and this is like another language to me so how would I code it to see if one of the CCSprites in my CCScene collides with this b2BodyDef? This b2BodyDef will be animating but I am not worrying about that right now. Does anyone know how I can do this?



http://www.raywenderlich.com/505/how-to-create-a-simple-breakout-Ga-with- Box2d-and-cos2d-tutorial-part-22”rel=“nofollow”

基本上,你创造联系 听取各机构之间碰撞情况的名单。 保证你的间谍活动被捆绑起来,然后在联系听众中装上间谍。 核对的两件物体的数据。 通过检查标签,你可以发现串通的 sp。

从那里看,你可以做很多事情,因为你提到了美术、身体和世界。 例如,如上所述,拆除砖头。



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