I m learning subroutines in Arm assembly and I m confused with an example. For " bne Body " doesn t it need a cmp x, y before it? What s it comparing?
@ Sum of the first "MAX" Fibonacci with subroutine
.global _start
.equ MAX,10
_start: mov r1,#MAX
bl Fib
exit: swi 0x11 @ Terminate the program
@Subroutine to compute sum of n Fibonacci numbers
Fib: sub r1,r1,#2 @ Counter - 2
mov r2,#1
mov r3,#2
mov r0,#3
Body: add r4,r2,r3
add r0,r0,r4 @ Update Sum
mov r2,r3
mov r3,r4
Decr: subs r1,r1,#
bne Body @ If Count != 0, repeat loop
Done: mov pc,lr @ Return from subroutine