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Translate a FOR to assembler

I need to translate what is commented within the method, to assembler. I have a roughly idea, but can t.

Anyone can help me please? Is for an Intel x32 architecture:

secuencia ( int n, EXPRESION * * o )
  int a, i;
//--- Translate from here ...
  for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
    a = evaluarExpresion( *o );
  return a ;
//--- ... until here.

Translated code must be within __asm as:

__asm {
        translated code

Thank you,


This is the final version, working and commented, thanks to all for your help :)

secuencia ( int n, EXPRESION * * o )
    int a = 0, i;
        mov dword ptr [i],0             ; int i = 0
        jmp salto1
        mov eax,dword ptr [i]           
        add eax,1                       ; increment in 1 the value of i
        mov dword ptr [i],eax           ; i++
        mov eax,dword ptr [i]           
        cmp eax,dword ptr [n]           ; Compare i and n
        jge final                       ; If is greater goes to  final 
        mov eax,dword ptr [o] 
        mov ecx,dword ptr [eax]         ; Recover * o (its value)
        push ecx                        ; Make push of * o (At the stack, its value)
        call evaluarExpresion           ; call evaluarExpresion( * o )
        add esp,4                       ; Recover memory from the stack (4KB corresponding to the * o pointer)
        mov dword ptr [a],eax           ; Save the result of evaluarExpresion as the value of a
        mov eax,dword ptr [o]           ; extract the pointer to o
        add eax,4                       ; increment the pointer by a factor of 4 (next of the actual pointed by *o)
        mov dword ptr [o],eax           ; o++
        jmp ciclo1                      ; repeat
        final:                          ; for s final
        mov eax,dword ptr [a]           ; return a - it save the return value at the eax registry (by convention this is where the result must be stored)

Essentially in assembly languages, strictly speaking there isn t a notion of a loop the same way there would be in a higher level language. It s all implemented with jumps (eg. as a "goto"...)

That said, x86 has some instructions with the assumption that you ll be writing "loops", implicitly using the register ECX as a loop counter.

Some examples:

    mov ecx, 5         ; ecx = 5
    ; Loop body code goes here
    ; ECX will start out as 5, then 4, then 3, then 1...
    loop .label        ; if (--ecx) goto .label;


    jecxz .loop_end    ; if (!ecx) goto .loop_end;
    ; Loop body goes here
    loop .loop_start   ; if (--ecx) goto .loop_start;

And, if you don t like this loop instruction thing counting backwards... You can write something like:

    xor ecx, ecx       ; ecx = 0
    cmp ecx, 5         ; do (ecx-5) discarding result, then set FLAGS
    jz .loop_end       ; if (ecx-5) was zero (eg. ecx == 5), jump to .loop_end
    ; Loop body goes here.
    inc ecx            ; ecx++
    jmp .loop_start

This would be closer to the typical for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) { }


Note that

for (init; cond; advance) {

is essentially syntactic sugar for

while(cond) {

which should be easy enough to translate into assembly language if you ve been paying any attention in class.

Use gcc to generate the assembly code

gcc -S -c sample.c

man gcc is your friend

For that you would probably use the loop instruction that decrements the ecx (often called, extended counter) at each loop and goes out when ecx reaches zero.But why use inline asm for it anyway? I m pretty sure something as simple as that will be optimized correctly by the compiler...

(We say x86 architecture, because it s based on 80x86 computers, but it s an "ok" mistake =p)

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