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Cassandra 1.x and appropriate JNA setup
原标题:Cassandra 1.x and proper JNA setup
  • 时间:2011-11-02 12:31:25
  •  标签:
  • cassandra


I do not understand few things:

(1) JNA是否使用过千兆克疗法。

2) 我是否在使用日本宇宙开发公司时需要缩小最大差距?

3) How do I limit RAM allocated by JNA?

4) Where can I see / monitor row cache size?

5) I ve configured JNA just for test on my dev computer and so far I ve noticed serious performance issues (high cpu usage on heavy write load), so I must be doing something wrong.... I ve just copied JNA jars into Cassandra/lib, without installing any native libs. Thanks, Maciej



1) No

2) Yes, other things being equal

3) 适当配置浏览量

4) 哥伦Family斯店的JMX

5) the off-heap cache uses less CPU under writes than the in-heap one (it just invalidates updated rows, instead of updating them in a write-through fashion) so I d say something else is wrong. Be sure to rule out swapping because of (2).



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